Long-distance Position Estimation Method for Cylindrical Objects Using Laser Range Finder

Hajime TAMURA, Takeshi SASAKI, Hideki HASHIMOTO, Fumihiro INOUE
2009 Transactions of Visualization Society of Japan  
In this paper, an accurate and precise long-distance position measurement method for cylindrical objects using a laser range finderCLEF), which can be used for the survey in a construction field, is proposed. The data acquired from the LRF is nothing more than the contours of the objects. Therefore, this research aims to estimate the accurate center positions of the objects by applying the least square method or the maximum likelihood estimation to their contours based on the shape information
more » ... f the objects. We adopted cylindrical shaped objects since a circle is invariant against rotation. If we know object's radius in advance the aforementioned two methods become non-linear problems. So we applied Newton-Raphson method to solve those two non-linear equations. The experimental results reveal that the maximum likelihood estimation can give us the most accurate center position.
doi:10.3154/jvs.29.1327 fatcat:dxwwnthagff45aqrxc65lzq4la