Evaluating Judges in State Courthouses: The Potential Effects of Organizational Size [post]

Sven Smith, Justin smith, Zenta Auyong
2022 unpublished
Sectors of the criminal justice system have bureaucratized to an extent that their management has replaced the values for which they were created (Feely & Simon, 1980). We explore whether internal actor perceptions change as courthouse personnel increases. Using organizational literature as a way to interpret the general connotations of law and society literature, we explore the potential impact of organizational size on the perceptions of courthouse culture among Florida courthouses' internal
more » ... ctors. We measure judge perception through in-depth interviews (n=51) of judges, attorneys, and court reporters. Although there is dissonance between the themes found, the results support the notion that state judges react to size of courthouse personnel, and its accompanying dynamics endanger the balance between standardization and creative thinking essential for justice.
doi:10.21428/cb6ab371.f6a17444 fatcat:eqgghmuq4fbtzgjqzzmrne6jwa