Measuring interpretability in rule-based classification systems

D.D. Nauck
The 12th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 2003. FUZZ '03.  
The 'hnique selling point" of fuzzy systems is usually the interpretability of its rule base. However, very often only the U C C U T U C~ of the rule base is measured and used to compare a fuzzy system to other solutions. We have suggested an index to measurz the interpretability of fuzzy rule bases for classification problems. However, the index can be used to describe the interpretability of any rule-based syst e m that uses sets to partition variables. We demonstrate the features of the
more » ... by using two data sets, one simple benchmark set and a real-world example.
doi:10.1109/fuzz.2003.1209361 dblp:conf/fuzzIEEE/Nauck03 fatcat:ziksrtnod5cdrevbdbwjhyhj6i