Beamwidth for asymmetric and multilayer semiconductor laser structures

J. Buus
1981 IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics  
An expression for the far field of the fundamental TEo mode in an asymmetrical dielectric slab waveguide is derived. By using normalized waveguide parameters, universal plots of the beamwidth are presented. These plots include the obliquity factor correction. Experimental results for symmetrical GaInAsP lasers at wavelengths near 1.3 wm are compared with theoretical predictions by Buus and Adams. Calculated results for the 1.55 p m wavelength are presented. A numerical method for the
more » ... of the far field for structures where four or more layers must be included is outlined.
doi:10.1109/jqe.1981.1071157 fatcat:4ki46x3tl5g3dljqxmq2rxqihm