Directed flow in relativistic heavy-ion collisions within the PHSD transport approach and 3FD hydrodynamical model

V P Konchakovski, W Cassing, Y B Ivanov, V D Toneev
2015 Journal of Physics, Conference Series  
We analyze recent STAR data for the directed flow of protons, antiprotons and charged pions obtained within the beam energy scan program within the Parton-Hadron-String-Dynamics (PHSD) transport model and the 3-Fluid hydroDynamics (3FD) approach. We clarify the role of partonic degrees of freedom in the kinetic PHSD approach. The PHSD results, simulating a partonic phase and its coexistence with a hadronic one, are roughly consistent with data. The hydrodynamic results are obtained for two EoS,
more » ... a pure hadronic EoS and an EoS with a crossover type transition. The latter case is favored by the STAR experimental data. Special attention is paid to the description of antiproton directed flow based on the balance of pp annihilation and the inverse processes for Np pair creation from multi-meson interactions. Generally, a semi-qualitative agreement between the measured data and model results supports the idea of a crossover type quark-hadron transition which softens the nuclear EoS.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/612/1/012055 fatcat:yyyrfu3qbzewpi4ltkci3li744