Tef (Eragrostis tef) Variety Development for High Potential Areas of Ethiopia

Worku Kebede, Kidist Tolosa, Tsion Fikre, Yazachew Genet, Solomon Chanyalew, Mengistu Demissie, Kebebew Assefa, Habte Jifar, Nigus Belay, Getahun Bekana, Kidu Gebremeskel, Girma Chemeda (+3 others)
2022 American Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering  
The aims of the experiment are to determine and understand the effect of genotype, environment, and their interaction on grain yield of tef, and to identify and release stable and high yielding tef genotype for high potential areas of country. Twelve tef genotypes including two checks were laid out in randomized complete block design using four replications for two years (2016 and 2017) at twelve representative locations of high potential areas of the country. The trial was conducted on the
more » ... size of 2m*2m with 10 rows per plot throughout all trial sites and 1.5m between replication, 1m between plot, and 20cm between rows. Agronomic and yield data were collected and subjected to statistical analysis in order to identify the best genotypes of the evaluated genotypes. Data from individual environments and combined over twelve locations were analyzed by using R 3.5 software version. The combined data analysis over locations and years indicated that the candidate variety Kaye Murri X 3774-1 (RIL18) performed better than the two checks and the other test genotypes. It gave 7.5% and 10.65% grain yield advantages over the standard check (Quncho) and local check, respectively. The significant genotypes x environments interaction effects indicated the inconsistent performance of genotypes across the tested environments. The candidate variety DZ-Cr-458 (RIL18) is the shortest vector from the AEC axis that identified as the most stable genotype. The National Variety Release Committee in Ethiopia investigated the two-year performance of Kaye Murri X 3774-1 (RIL18) and visited several locations where the new candidate variety was grown for evaluation under variety verification trial. Based on the critiques, the National Variety Release Committee the candidate variety was approved for release Kaye Murri X 3774-1 (RIL18), for high potential areas of the country with the vernacular name of "Ebba" as a standing witnessed for the earliest known tef scientist, Dr. Tadesse Ebba.
doi:10.11648/j.bio.20221002.11 fatcat:gw5lut2i7fas3buluodwvksmz4