Improving Students Skills in Transations by Using Students-Teams Achievement Division (STAD) Technique

Syarwan Ahmad
2015 Al-Ta'lim  
This classroom action rresearch was aimed at improving students' skills in translating at the English Department of the State Islamic University (UIN) Ar-Rarniry Banda Aceh by using the Student-Teams Achievement Division (STAD) Technique. Throughout the entire cycles, students worked in groups of 4-5 persons to plan and write their translations. The study showed that the average score of pre-test (66) increased dramatically to reach 86, and moved up a little higher (87) after the second cycle.
more » ... t is recommended that STAD Cooperative Technique be implemented in teaching translation courses.
doi:10.15548/jt.v22i2.121 fatcat:oyxo2lumizdi7dnktry3grwmeq