Exact Results for the Kondo Screening Cloud of Two Helical Liquids

Thore Posske, Chao-Xing Liu, Jan Carl Budich, Björn Trauzettel
2013 Physical Review Letters  
We analyze the screening of a magnetic quantum dot with spin 1/2 coupled to two helical liquids. Interestingly, we find two qualitatively different sets of Toulouse points, i.e., nontrivial parameters for which we can solve the two channel Kondo model exactly. This enables us to calculate the temperature and voltage dependent Kondo screening cloud, which develops oscillations for an applied spin voltage μ_s. Such a spin voltage can be conveniently applied by a charge bias in a four-terminal helical liquid setup.
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.110.016602 pmid:23383818 fatcat:a3rtxevds5bq3iikhclb32ylaq