Access and Usage of Electronic Resources used by the Faculty Members, Research Scholar, and Students of the Sun Arts and Science College Affiliated to the Thiruvalluvar University

B. Jayasankar -, K. Sivasami -, A. Kalisdha -
2022 International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research  
This is the paper on Electronic resources; the users collect information from the Library via electronic resources the users Learn and collect them, it impacts the collection of print and electronic sources its awareness among the users, and the places where the users are accessing these resources. A survey was conducted is conducted at the Sun Arts and Science College Thiruvannamalai Affiliated with Thiruvalluvar University. A total number of 88 respondents questionnaires are issued to the
more » ... ondents and 77 respondents answered and Submit the researcher for study Members was selected and their reply was obtained with the help of a questionnaire. The findings show that users were using e-resources the responsiveness about e-resources encourages users to use such resources to the highest and the users are using Department and home more for accessing the information. E-resources were visible from the decrease in the number of printed documents in comparison to the increase in the number of electronic resources. The use of Resources has increased multiple.
doi:10.36948/ijfmr.2022.v04i06.949 fatcat:paiuxkqrrzcjlcti3kt4crxc4m