Medical Students' Use of and Attitudes Towards Medical Applications

Nicole Koehler
2012 Journal of Mobile Technology in Medicine  
Background/Aims: With the emergence of new technology (e.g., mobile device applications commonly known as "apps") it is important to establish whether students have access to new technology and their attitudes towards its use prior to its implementation within a medical curriculum. The present study examined medical students' ownership of mobile phones with application support (i.e., smartphones), and their use of and attitudes towards medical applications. Methods: All Monash University
more » ... students in 2011 were invited to complete an anonymous online survey regarding mobile phones and medical applications. Results: A total of 594 medical students participated in the study. All students owned a mobile phone with 77% of them having a smartphone. Seventy-six per cent of students with smartphones used medical applications. Generally students had positive attitudes towards using medical applications. The majority of students with mobile phones without application support would be prepared to obtain such a device to enable them to access medical applications. Conclusion: Given students' positive attitudes toward medical applications; this study suggests that these devices could play a more significant role within medical education.
doi:10.7309/jmtm.73 fatcat:exfcwseg3jcjjnqzjnbzto4n6i