Facilitating the Online Search of Experts at NASA using Expert Seeker People-Finder

Irma Becerra-Fernandez
2000 Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management  
People-Finder Systems are knowledge repositories that attempt to manage knowledge by holding pointers to experts who possess specific knowledge within an organization. This paper presents insights from the development of Expert Seeker, an organizational People-Finder KMS that will be used to locate experts at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). This paper discusses insights and lessons learned from the development of this system, and the role of technology in automating
more » ... maintenance of the expert's profiles. Expert Seeker represents an important first step towards achieving our objective of automatically and intuitively discovering and identifying intellectual capital within the organization. While several systems in place today rely on self-assessment, we look at the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, in particular, data mining and clustering techniques, to uncover and map organizational expertise.
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