The functional role of miRNAs in colorectal cancer: insights from a large population-based study

E. Mullany Lila, L. Slattery Martha
2019 Cancer Biology and Medicine  
Identification of causal microRNAs (miRNAs) in colorectal cancer (CRC) is elusive, due to our lack of understanding of how specific miRNAs affect biological pathways and outcomes. An miRNA can regulate many mRNAs and an mRNA can be associated with many miRNAs; appreciation of these complex networks in which miRNAs operate is necessary to transition from identifying dysregulated miRNAs to identifying individual miRNAs or groups of miRNAs that are suitable for therapeutic purposes. The aim of the
more » ... paper is to compile results from a population-based study (n = 1,954 cases with matched carcinoma/normal tissue) of miRNAs in CRC. The information gained allows for cohesive and comprehensive insight into miRNAs and CRC in terms of function and impact. Comparison of miRNA expression with mRNA expression from nine signaling pathways in carcinogenic processes allowed us to identify miRNA targets within a biological context. MiRNAs that directly influence mRNA expression may be effective biomarkers or therapeutic targets.
doi:10.20892/j.issn.2095-3941.2018.0514 pmid:31516743 pmcid:PMC6713639 fatcat:hyw2vtjrlvgojh2henxfdrnk4u