Ecological Assessment of the Woody Vegetation, Along Canopy and Regeneration Layers in Al Galabat District, Al Gadarif State, Sudan

2021 Zenodo  
This study aimed to determine and compare the composition, diversity and density of canopy and regeneration layers; and to examine how the understory species richness differ from the overstory in the forests in AlGalabat area, AlGadarif State The data were collected from 36 systematic circular sample plots of 0.1 ha., with intervals of 200 m between each plot representing six vegetation sites along different topographical feature. A total of 1163 stems of mature woody vegetation and 962 stems
more » ... regeneration, representing 37 species, belonging to 16 families were identified. Number of ecological parameters and indices has been studied for each plant species and vegetation community for both canopy and regeneration layers. The results revealed that canopy layer was most dense and diverse in all sites when compared to regeneration layer. Cephalocroton cordofanus was recorded the highest value of importance value index (IVI= 129.48) and relative density (59.94%) in the canopy layer.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.5121660 fatcat:sxluocj7tzfjliil2qutfai65e