Voltage Gain Enhancement of Step-Up Dc/Dc Converter by Switched-Capacitor and Coupled Inductor Techniques for Distributed Generation

Shiva Kumar, M Tech, Harish Kumar
A new high step-up dc/dc converter is presented for renewable energy applications. The construction implementation of a dual inductor and more than one voltage multiplier cells, to obtain large step-up voltage gain, two capacitors has been placed charged during the switch-off period, energy accumulated in the dual inductor which increases the voltage gain. The MMF energy in the leakage inductance is use by a passive clamp circuit. The voltage pressure on the power switch is reduced in effective
more » ... manner in the proposed topology. A main power switch with less resistance can be used to reduce the conduction losses. The working principle and the analyses converter are discussed. The simulation of the high step up DC/DC converter design in MATLAB /SIMULINK and verify through the wave forms.