The Blood Pressure Pulse Wave Measurement Device Using Arterial Tonometry Method Calibrated by Pulse Transit Time

Tetsuji DOHI
This paper reports on a blood pressure pulse wave measurement device using the arterial tonometry method calibrated by the pulse transit time. The pressure sensor for arterial tonometry method and the optical sensor for pulse transit time were fabricated. The sizes of pressure sensor and optical sensor are 19×19×9 mm 3 and 13×25×4 mm 3 , respectively. The blood pressure was calculated by the pulse transit time measured by the pressure sensor and the optical sensor. The blood pressure was also
more » ... asured by the pressure sensor using arterial tonometry method, and by the commercially available sphygmomanometer for comparison. The blood pressure calculated by the pulse transit time was similar to the blood pressure measured by the sphygmomanometer. Therefore, it is useful for the blood pressure measured by arterial tonometry method to calibrate by the blood pressure calculated by the pulse transit time.
doi:10.20805/micromechatronics.59.213_1 fatcat:wgz65wx4hfep7kwamqk5g3h63a