Towards a Voting Scheme for Calculating Light Source Positions from a given Target Illumination [article]

René Zmugg, Sven Havemann, Dieter W. Fellner
2010 Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics  
Lighting conditions can make the difference between success or failure of an architectural space. The vision of space-light co-design is that architects can control the impression of an illuminated space already at an early design stage, instead of first designing spaces and then searching for a good lighting setup. As a first step towards this vision we propose a novel method to calculate potential light source positions from a given user defined target illumination. The method is independent
more » ... f the tessellation of the scene and assumes a homogeneous diffuse Lambertian material. This allows using a voting system that determines potential positions for standard light sources with chosen size and brightness. Votes are cast from an illuminated surface point to all potential positions of a light source that would yield this illumination. Vote clusters consequently indicate a more probable light source position. With a slight extension the method can also identify mid-air light source positions.
doi:10.2312/localchapterevents/italchap/italianchapconf2010/041-048 dblp:conf/egItaly/ZmuggHF10 fatcat:ok2lcw5osnbpfaktgq6q7xkhjq