Effect of Reward System on Male Participation in Surgical Contraceptive Method

Suwarsi Suwarsi, Casnuri Casnuri, Fika Lilik Indrawati, Merita Eka Rahmuniyati
The participation of men in the surgical contraceptive method (MOP) has not increased even though in some regencies or cities in Indonesia. There has been a reward program for men who want to join the MOP. This study was to determine the relationship of interest with the reward system for prospective MOP acceptors. Methods: Quantitative study with observational analytic approach, cross-sectional time design with two groups. The total sample of 60 men was taken by purposive sampling according to
more » ... the inclusion criteria. Data is taken through a measuring instrument in the form of a questionnaire. Bivariate analysis with chi-square test. Results: Respondents 'interest in family planning MOP in no system reward was mostly low at 21 people (70%), while the respondents' interest in family planning MOP in system reward was mostly good at 18 people (60%). There is no difference in interest in prospective MOP family planning acceptors between Districts with reward system and without reward system. There is a correlation between interest and reward (p = 0.007) in the Regency with reward and without reward system. Conclusions: There is no difference in interest between candidates for Family Planning MOP acceptors between reward and without reward system.
doi:10.24990/injec.v3i2.206 fatcat:acquctnorrgxbl3ojcvtifpmnm