Survey and Research on Overseas Students' Chinese Pragmatic Competence Acquisition -With overseas students from Ningxia University as example

Zhang Yongqun
2014 Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Economic Management and Social Science   unpublished
Interlanguage pragmatics is a newly-developing field in pragmatics, which is used to research the language system of second language learners from the pragmatic perspective and research pragmatic behaviors of second language learners while using second language. At present, research on interlanguage pragmatic acquisition becomes a new field of the research on second language acquisition. However, most researches in this field are related to Indo-European languages, especially English, while
more » ... matic competence researches on Chinese as a second language are relatively insufficient at present. In this paper, the author makes some tentative researches on pragmatic competence acquisition of Chinese as a second language from the following two perspectives: i) survey and research on overseas students' pragmatic competence acquisition for Chinese salutation; and ii) survey and research on overseas students' pragmatic competence acquisition in individual verbal behaviors.
doi:10.2991/emss-14.2014.29 fatcat:jrhy7ruiv5dajgki4wprft5aue