Noninvasive Measurements of Infarct Size After Thrombolysis With a Necrosis-Avid MRI Contrast Agent

S. V. Pislaru, Y. Ni, C. Pislaru, H. Bosmans, Y. Miao, J. Bogaert, S. Dymarkowski, W. Semmler, G. Marchal, F. J. Van de Werf
1999 Circulation  
Background-Gadophrin-2 is a new MRI contrast agent with high affinity for necrotic myocardium. The aim of the study was to evaluate whether noninvasive measurements of infarct size after thrombolysis are possible with gadophrin-2enhanced MRI. Methods and Results-Coronary artery thrombosis was induced in 3 groups of dogs by the copper-coil technique. Thrombolytic therapy together with aspirin and heparin was initiated after 90 minutes of occlusion. One day (group A), 2 days (group B), or 6 days
more » ... group C) after infarction, gadophrin-2 was injected intravenously (50 mol ⅐ kg Ϫ1 ). In vivo T1-weighted segmented turbo-FLASH, in vivo T2-weighted segmented half-Fourier turbo spin echo (HASTE), and T1and T2-weighted spin-echo MRI of the excised heart were performed 24 hours after gadophrin-2 injection. Regions of strong enhancement were observed on T1-weighted images. Planimetry of short-axis MR images and of corresponding triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC)-stained left ventricular (LV) slices showed a close correlation between the enhanced areas and TTC-negative areas for both in vivo ( r 2 ϭ0.98, PϽ0.0001; mean difference, 0.9Ϯ2.0% [SD] of the LV volume [LVV]) and postmortem (r 2 ϭ0.99, PϽ0.0001; mean difference, 0.9Ϯ1.4% of LVV) measurements. T2-weighted images overestimated the infarct size by 8.1Ϯ5.4% of LVV. The mean infarct size was 10.8Ϯ11.6% of LVV (group A), 22.4Ϯ11.7% (group B), and 5.1Ϯ9.3% (group C). Conclusions-In this animal model, in vivo gadophrin-2-enhanced MRI could precisely determine infarct size after thrombolytic therapy. This technique may be very useful for the noninvasive evaluation of infarct size after reperfusion for AMI. (Circulation. 1999;99:690-696.) Methods Experimental Model Dogs weighing 18 to 30 kg were sedated with xylazine (Rompun, Bayer AG), anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital (Nembutal,
doi:10.1161/01.cir.99.5.690 pmid:9950668 fatcat:bl4mxmeopnbqnnx35ofw5zmc6m