Investigation of terahertz radiations in both time and frequency domains via the Cherenkov model

Yamin Chen, Jiayu Zhao
2019 Results in Physics  
In this work, deduced from the well-known Cherenkov model [Phys. Rev. Lett. 2007, 98, 235002], calculation methods of temporal and spectral waveforms of the electromagnetic (EM) radiation driven by the longitudinal current during single-colour filamentation have been resolved. It was discovered that, the plasma density and the electron collision frequency of the filament, as well as the pulse duration of the pumping laser, play crucial roles on the generated peak frequency and width of the EM
more » ... ectrum. Afterwards, calculations of the EM emission have been concentrated on terahertz (THz) band, whose generation, detection and enhancement were investigated, respectively, with the developed calculation method. The corresponding theoretical results have been well supported by experimental observations of ourselves or in the literature.
doi:10.1016/j.rinp.2019.102577 fatcat:zkxkavgntfcqzapgh43a45nk3a