Miscellanea : Insects in Southern Rhodesian tobacco culture. Part II, III, IV, Insects occurring in the fields : Hymenoptera ; Diptera ; Tenebrionidae and Elateridae

W.W. Büttiker, G.H. Bünzli
S. procer Illig., develops in larvae of the Dinastia Palm beetle (Oryctes rhinoceros I..). S. erratica Smith in those of the Black Palm Weevil (Rhgnchophorus papuanus Kirsch.): S. quiidrijiunctatu parasitizes .Anomala d. aenea De G. S. flavifrons F. and S. haemorrhoidalis F. proved of no economic value since Ihey parasitize only larvae of Oryctes nasicornis L. which is not a pest (Adlerz 1914, Mach 1940). S. (Triscolia) rubiginosus F.. is a larval parasite of Xylotrupes gidcon L., a sugar-cane
more » ... est (Malay Peninsula). S. dubia Say is a grub parasite of the green June-beetle Cotinus (Allorhina) nitida in the F.S.A. (Davis 1919). S. umbrosus Christ (argentatus F.) has a wide area of distribution, being found from S. Africa to Australia and as far north as Japan (Dammerman 1929). C.ampsomeris madonensis du Buyss., not infrequent, adults December-March on flowers. Larval development especially on well grown larvae of Anomala exitialis Per. One or two generations; cocoons reddish-brown spun considerably coarser than those of Tiphia. C. annidata, in the Far East (Chosen) is parasitic on Phyllophaga and Anomala (Clausen 1940). G. (Elis)-/ thoracica Klug, a common species in India, attacks grubs of Leucopholis, Holotrichia, etc. (Dammerman 1929). C. dorsata F. is known from Barbados attacking grubs of Liggrus tumulosus Burm. (Nowei.l 1915) . C. marginella modesta Sm. has been recorded from .Anomala orientalis Waterh. (Pemberton 1939) in Hawaii in sugar cane fields. C. javana and <".'. pulchrivestita are primary parasites of the cockcaffer beetle Psilopholis grandis in Java and Malay Peninsula, the grub destroying cover crops in Rubber plantations. The Bombyliid Hgperalonia tantalus is Our best thanks are also due to Dr. Parry Jones, Director of Pest Control Research Scheme. Salisbury, and to the Rhodesia Tobacco Association for permission to publish this paper. Part IV. Insects occurring in the fields. TENEBRIONIDAE AND ELATEBIDAH. Tenebrionidae: Larvae are commonly called False Wireworms. Phanerotoma (Psammodes) simile Per., and P. scrobicolle Fabr., predominant species, populations often interspersed;
doi:10.5169/seals-310685 fatcat:cqbiehiqarg27crayomanrhm3q