Application of Automatic Colony Counter in the Detection of Dairy Products

刘 胜桃, 宋 鸽, 王 秀艳, 李 慧娟, 逯 刚, 张 淑丽, 王 海斌, 赵 三军, 张 德喜
2022 World Journal of Food Science and Engineering  
Objective: To improve the counting efficiency and realize the traceability of raw data. The applicability, accuracy, precision and repeatability of the automatic colony counter were verified by experiments, Determine the applicability of colony count in the detection of dairy products and raw and auxiliary materials. Methods: The plate pouring method and test piece method are selected for verification test, including psychrophilic bacteria, aerobic spores, thermophilic aerobic spores, lactic
more » ... d bacteria count, total number of colonies, coliform, mold, yeast, Staphylococcus
doi:10.57237/j.wjfse.2022.01.002 fatcat:yt4pvupwvraq5pejhg4z4ueley