Prediction of Relative Permeability and Capillary Pressure from Pore-Scale Modelling

P. -E. Øren, S. Bakke, L. Scandellari Nilsen, A. Henriquez
1996 ECMOR V - 5th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery   unpublished
The present paper presents a new metbod for constructing realistic and fully characterised 3-D network representations of the pore space for actual sandstones. The essence of our approach is to build sandstone models which are analogs of real sandstones by simulating tbe results of tbe main sandstone forming geological processes sedimentation, compaction, and diagenesis. Singleand two-phase flow (drainage) in the generated pore networks are simulated using a netwerk model which accounts for
more » ... viscous and capillary forces. Predicted absolute and relative permeabilities are compared with measured values and found to be in good agreement.
doi:10.3997/2214-4609.201406908 fatcat:fhyyw62fvzhwbnguyxmizkrgzq