68 Auditability and Data Dynamics using Cyclic Shift Key for Storage Security in Cloud Computing

Khushbu Kriplani, Snigdh Singh, Khushbu Kriplani, Snigdh Singh
2016 unpublished
The growth of IT based enterprises for the forthcoming generation depends on cloud computing technology. The accessibility and manageability of cloud computing infrastructure managed large database and huge amount of server for the processing of data. The processing and storage of data faced a problem of data integrity during the process of data storage and data retrieval. The integrity of data compromised with the problem of data dynamics. The process of data dynamics depends on the process of
more » ... public audit of cloud computing. The public audit of cloud computing provide the data access facility of user for the insertion, deletion and modification of data over the cloud network. For maintain a data integrity and data security cloud computing adopt the process of third party auditor (TPA). The third party auditor maintains the communication between cloud service provider and user. Users only interact with TPA and TPA provides the access privilege for user. Now a day's various authors used the cryptography technique for the process of security and data integrity. The cryptography technique provides public and private cryptography technique for the processing of data.