The Temperature Dependence of the Isotope Effect for Electromigration of Potassium Ions in Molten Potassium Nitrate

Arnold Lundén, Alf Ekhed
1968 Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung A-A Journal of Physical Sciences  
The relative difference (Δb/b) between the electromigration mobilities of—,u =0.0385+0.000124 (t-337)where t is the temperature in °C. Due to thermal decomposition, the nitrate is partly converted to nitrite, but it is proved by performing experiments with different initial concentrations of nitrite, that the isotope effect for potassium is not influenced noticeably by the concentration of the anions.The experiment is designed to give an enrichment of the heavy isotope
doi:10.1515/zna-1968-1114 fatcat:vrejey7q65fc5lmss27c54chbq