4-(hidroximetil)-benzenossulfonato de potássio: metabólito inédito isolado da alga marinha Bostrychia tenella (Rhodomelaceae, ceramiales)

Rafael de Felício, Hosana Maria Debonsi, Nair Sumie Yokoya
2008 Química Nova  
Recebido em 8/2/08, aceito em 8/4/08, publicado na web em 29/4/08 POTASSIUM 4-(HYDROXYMETHYL)-BENZENOSULFONATE: A NOVEL METABOLITE ISOLATED FROM THE MARINE RED ALGA Bostrychia tenella (RHODOMELACEAE, CERAMIALES). Chemical investigation of the dichloromethane/methanol extract of the marine alga Bostrychia tenella has led to the isolation of two aromatic compounds, the new sulfate metabolite potassium 4-(hydroxymethyl)-benzenosulfonate (1) and the compound 1-methoxyphenethyl alcohol (2),
more » ... previously as a synthetic product. Their structures were determined by spectroscopic methods including NMR, MS, IR and by comparison with literature data.
doi:10.1590/s0100-40422008000400025 fatcat:vvfhjqmmvzhd5cooic76d3iya4