Ultra-Low kV EDS – A New Approach to Improved Spatial Resolution, Surface Sensitivity, and Light Element Compositional Imaging and Analysis in the SEM

Simon Burgess, James Sagar, James Holland, Xiaobing Li, Frank Bauer
2017 Microscopy Today  
New windowless EDS detectors designed specifically to collect low-energy X-rays (< 1 keV) and to work under ultra-low kV (< 3 kV) imaging conditions with the latest FE-SEMs offer new capabilities for elemental analysis. These capabilities include enhanced spatial resolution for the study of structures down to 10 nm or less, the characterization of surface features only 1-2 nm in thickness, the analysis of highly beam-sensitive or insulating materials, and much lower detection limits for light
more » ... ements such as nitrogen and boron, as well as, for the first time, the detection of lithium. This offers an important breakthrough with potential for more detailed analysis of nano-materials, battery-and bio-materials, and semiconductors in the SEM.
doi:10.1017/s1551929517000013 fatcat:b723j5kacnclhpthtzjwrv4kdu