Velocity profile report at the seismic station IV.MODE - MODENA [report]

Claudia Mascandola, Sara Lovati, Marco Massa
2018 Zenodo  
In this report, we present the geophysical measurements and the results obtained in the framework of the 2018 agreement between INGV and DPC, called Allegato B2: Obiettivo 1 - TASK B: Caratterizzazione siti accelerometrici (Coord. G. Cultrera, F. Pacor). In this report, the results for station IV.MODE, belonging to the Italian National Seismic Network (RSN-INGV), are presented. Geophysical measurements consist in a 2D array in passive configuration that provide results in terms of dispersion
more » ... ves of surface waves. These curves are inverted to obtain a shear-wave velocity (Vs) profile that is suitable for assigning the soil class according to the current Italian seismic code (NTC 2018) and the current Eurocode (EC8).
doi:10.5281/zenodo.2222318 fatcat:yfti32k3rbcjpo222mrtrkubkq