Joint Production and Disposal Decisions for Sustainable Operations of the Hybrid Production System
혼성 생산 시스템의 지속 가능 운영을 위한 신제품 생산과 회수제품 수용 통제의 통합 구현

Eungab Kim
2013 Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers  
We consider a reverse supply chain with a production facility and a recovery facility, and address the joint control of production and disposal decisions for sustainable operations. Demands are satisfied from on-hand inventory of serviceable products, replenished via manufacturing or remanufacturing. Sold products may be returned after usage and each returned product is disposed of or accepted for recovery. Accepted returned products are converted into serviceable products after remanufacturing
more » ... process. Formulating the model as a Markov decision process, we characterized the structure of the optimal production and disposal policy as two monotone switching curves under a special condition. Three types of heuristic policies are presented and their performance is numerically compared. *
doi:10.7232/jkiie.2013.39.5.440 fatcat:lpzwsrzbl5ch7o6jqukafkvyii