Grigory A. Korablev
It is demonstrated that according to the first law of thermodynamics the equality of entropic and negentropic components is the condition of resonance stationary state of systems. In the systems in which the interaction proceeds along the potential gradient (positive work), the resultant potential energy is found based on the principle of adding reciprocals of corresponding values of subsystems. This is the corpuscular process, in which entropy can serve as the theoretical concept. In the
more » ... s in which the interactions proceed against the potential gradient (negative work) the algebraic addition of their masses, as well as the corresponding energies of subsystems is performed. This is the wave process, in which negentropy can serve as the theoretical concept. The resonance stationary state of the systems is fulfilled under the condition of equality of degrees of their corpuscular and wave interactions. The entropy products in stationary state are completely compensated by the negentropy flow. Mathematically and graphically (by nomograms) the stationary state in microsystems is found by the following equation containing the tangent of the geodesic angel. The geodesic angle numerically defines the ratio of two legs of the right triangle whose values characterize energy dependencies through axial and circumferential stresses in the system with corpuscular-wave processes. This condition corresponds to the most optimal technological options and is widely present in nature, as well as in fractal systems. The initial nomograms of entropic and negentropic characteristics for many processes and phenomena in nature, engineering and physical chemistry are given. The entopic technique for forming fractal systems is presented. The coronavirus scenario in Russia is analyzed. The accuracy of forecast regarding the maximum number of diseases at the given moment and plateau duration is 96.5 % and 98.5%, respectively.
doi:10.6060/ivkkt.20206309.6284 fatcat:mdx6jjnp2ff67iyyqh6bbdbwfe