Atmospheric PM2.5 Concentration Prediction Based on Time Series and Interactive Multiple Model Approach

Jihan Li, Xiaoli Li, Kang Wang
2019 Advances in Meteorology  
Urbanization, industrialization, and regional economic integration have developed rapidly in China in recent years. Air pollution has attracted more and more attention. However, PM2.5 is the main particulate matter in air pollution. Therefore, how to predict PM2.5 accurately and effectively has become a concern of experts and scholars. For the problem, atmosphere PM2.5 concentration prediction algorithm is proposed based on time series and interactive multiple model in this paper. PM2.5
more » ... ation is collected by using the monitor at different air quality levels. The time series models are established by historical PM2.5 concentration data, which were given by the autoregressive model (AR). In the paper, three PM2.5 time series models are established for three different air quality levels. Then, the three models are converted to state equation, respectively, by autoregressive integrated with Kalman filter (AR-Kalman) approaches. Besides, the proposed interactive multiple model (IMM) algorithm is, respectively, compared with autoregressive (AR) model algorithm and AR-Kalman prediction algorithm. It is turned out the proposed IMM algorithm is more accurate than the other two approaches for PM2.5 prediction, and it is effective.
doi:10.1155/2019/1279565 fatcat:dgp3yqo6ijgrpp5mdznq4wzyc4