Лазерный корреляционный спектрометр для оценки размеров и динамики изменения размеров структур в биологических жидкостях

Е.Н. Величко, Э.К. Непомнящая, А.В. Соколов, Т.Ю. Кудряшова
2020 Журнал технической физики  
To estimate sizes of nanostructures in biological fluids and study the dynamics of their changes, a modified method of laser correlation spectroscopy is proposed. The scheme of the hardware-software complex and the algorithm of the method is described. The complex allowed us to achieve high accuracy in determining the size of nanoparticles, as well as to study the size-changing of nanoparticles in dynamics. Using the proposed hardware-software complex we studied the dynamics of aggregates
more » ... ion in human serum while the immune response. Sizes of formed aggregates depended on the state of the immune system and diseases.
doi:10.21883/os.2020.07.49567.63-20 fatcat:76pd4le42jh2xp2bqdb65inlzm