Is The Sky Falling or Expanding? A Promising Turning Point in the Psychology of Creativity

Ronald A. Beghetto
2014 Creativity Theories – Research – Applications  
Psychology of Creativity Theory Integrative Models Is the psychology of creativity in a state of crisis? In this commentary, I explore this question and argue that the field of creativity studies faces an important turning point, which signifies a promising expansion and maturity of the field. I then discuss, by way of example, how integrative models can serve as an important vehicle for moving the field forward. I close with a brief discussion of how integrative models allow creativity
more » ... ers to capitalize on opportunities presented by the expansive growth occurring in the psychology of creativity. Is the psychology of creativity in a state of crisis? Glăveanu's (2014) provocative essay points to several features of the field, which he interprets as signs that a crisis may beclose at hand. These signs include, the diffuse and micro-focused nature of the questions asked, the taken-for-granted definitions used, the narrow units of analysis employed, the limited methods applied, the lack of theory developed, and the inadequate applicability of conclusions drawn. How might creativity researchers respond to such claims? One way is to simply dismiss them as rhetorical hyperbole. The basis of such a response may be driven by an attempt to maintain the status quo by deflecting any criticisms. Another, more subtle, way of dismissing Glăveanu's points would be to agree that a crisis is at hand, but suggest that it is a different sort of crisis. Proponents of an alternative crisis might argue that the real crisis with the psychology of creativity is not that the field needs fresh theories or more original studies, but, in fact, there is already too much of a focus on originality, which can lead researchers dangerously off-track (see Makel, 2014 for a discussion). Yet another way to respond would be to recognize that crisis also means a turning point and, in the case of the psychology of creativity, a sign that there is a promising expansion and maturity of the field. It is along the lines of this latter re-
doi:10.15290/ctra.2014.01.02.05 fatcat:rtm6fqsomfbdhiatzynwv3x2qu