Deep inelastic scattering structure functions of holographic spin-1 hadrons with N f ≥ 1

Ezequiel Koile, Sebastian Macaluso, Martin Schvellinger
2014 Journal of High Energy Physics  
Two-point current correlation functions of the large N limit of supersymmetric and non-supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories at strong coupling are investigated in terms of their string theory dual models with quenched flavors. We consider non-Abelian global symmetry currents, which allow one to investigate vector mesons with N_f > 1. From the correlation functions we construct the deep inelastic scattering hadronic tensor of spin-one mesons, obtaining the corresponding eight structure functions
more » ... r polarized vector mesons. We obtain several relations among the structure functions. Relations among some of their moments are also derived. Aspects of the sub-leading contributions in the 1/N and N_f/N expansions are discussed. At leading order we find a universal behavior of the hadronic structure functions.
doi:10.1007/jhep01(2014)166 fatcat:ljpfbphlpfftnnuibmwyuevyyy