Drying Mechanism of Unutilized Cedar Logs as a Source of Heating Fuel

V. H. Hoang, S. Nagasaki, Y. Kawabata, T. Wajima, H. Nakagome
2015 International journal of chemical Engineering and Applications  
In Japan, small, forested areas are often destroyed because neglect due to a slump in wood prices and a shortage of labor. Promotion of forest maintenance along with the use of unused woody biomass is desired. In this study, the drying mechanism of Cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) logs destined to be used as heating was examined. The experimental results show that cedar samples reached the fiber saturation point after 4-5 months of drying on site. The water in the wood moved to the cut ends and
more » ... orated because of the high pressure differences on the surfaces of the cut ends. The water content in the center of the logs was higher than that at the cut ends because closed pits in the vessel structures prevented the passage of water.
doi:10.7763/ijcea.2015.v6.498 fatcat:qw2rjejexbaopl7qzqxlwrnv3m