Electrons in a Semiconductor Quantum Well of the Magnetic Tunneling Structure

T. Szczepański, V.K. Dugaev
2015 Acta Physica Polonica. A  
We discuss the properties of resonant tunneling diode with resonant levels in the quantum well. The energy levels are formed inside the well as a consequence of quantization of the states between two potential barriers. We solved the Schrödinger equation for the multilayer structure and found the energy of resonant level as a function of the width of quantum well for dierent parameters of energy prole in the equilibrium. The results present the dependence of spin splitting in the quantum well
more » ... nonmagnetic semiconductor on the spin polarization of electrodes.
doi:10.12693/aphyspola.128.221 fatcat:paox4soy65h6lei6cm4qm7nuja