Fatigue Damage Calculated by the Ratio-Method to Materials and Its Machine Part

Yan-gui YU
2003 Chinese Journal of Aeronautics  
Several new calculating equatio ns on the dam ag e-evolving r ate ar e sug gested for describing the elastic-plastic behavior of some materials under un-sy mmetric cy clic loading . A nd the estimating form ulas are giv en of the life relativ e to v aried damag e value D oi at each loading history . T he method is to adopt the r atio of plastic str ain range to elastic str ain range as t he stress-strain parameter, using the staple material constants as the material par amet er s in damage
more » ... lating ex pression. A nd it g ives out a new concept of the compositive material constant, that has a functional r elation with the staple material constants, averag e str ess, av er age strain and cr itical loading time. In addition, it calculat es fatigue damage as ex ample for a par t o f car, its calculating r esults are accor dant with the L andg raf' s equation, and calculating pr ecision is more r igo rous, so could avoid unnecessar y fatig ue tests and will be o f practical sig nificance to st int times, manpow er and capitals, and to prov ide conv enience for engineering applications.
doi:10.1016/s1000-9361(11)60177-5 fatcat:qnyhcosty5f5vbvxuwed2bjmiy