Heat and Fluid Flow in an Open Agricultural Greenhouse in Presence of Plants

Badia Ghernaout, Said Bouabdallah, Aissa Atia, Müslüm Arıcı
2021 Advances in Modelling and Analysis B  
Flow convection in agriculture greenhouse is one of the most important factors on the growth and fruiting of plants. The present work focused on natural convection in an open greenhouse heated by ridge tubes in presence of plants. Analyses are performed for different boundary conditions imposed at the roof such as constant temperature, convective heat flux, and convective and radiative heat flux. The governing equations comprising continuity, momentum and energy equations are solved by
more » ... ent software. In each case, the average velocity and temperature of the air are determined. The obtained results are presented in terms velocity and temperature profiles. Isothermal lines and velocity vectors showed that by increasing the convective heat transfer coefficient, the average temperature and average airflow velocity decrease. The outcomes of this study help build greenhouses with dimensions and materials to suitable for the given external conditions.
doi:10.18280/ama_b.641-401 fatcat:mj3lxfl325fsjmyzyxij6w5mbq