Análisis de factibilidad de un sistema de educación B-learning: caso de estudio Universidad de San Buenaventura

Lilian Karina DeArco-Paternina, Hugo De Jesus Barrios-Barcelo, Ginna Mercedes Parra-Ortega
2017 Academia y Virtualidad  
This article describes the feasibility of implementing the educational modality known as Blended learning in the specialization of petroleum refining and basic petrochemical processes engineering at the University of San Buenaventura, Cartagena branch. For this purpose, information was collected through virtual surveys carried out on the target population, the study of the economic and financial viability of the project was carried out and the results were presented to the corresponding
more » ... of the University. Within the study, we identified nine drivers or agents motivating decision as well as the financial viability obtained through indicators such as net present value and internal rate of return. As a result, it was determined that the implementation of this modality creates a great business opportunity for the University, aligned with its corporate education strategy and with a spirit of service to the community. Consequently, this specialization could be carried out in the B-learning mode, due to the lack of time of the target population to attend one hundred percent classroom sessions and to the fact that the institution has the technological platform, financial support and Nationwide recognition.
doi:10.18359/ravi.2706 fatcat:7pbprwe5fjgbhnclmziafsunnm