Test Automation Maturity Assessment

Yuqing Wang
2018 2018 IEEE 11th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST)  
Test automation is becoming critical in software development process. Though it has been widely applied, many are not surprised to find there is the long journey to a mature test automation process. To get continues improvement and achieve or sustain test automation benefits, organizations need to assess the current maturity level of test automation in order to identify improvement steps. However, the contemporary test maturity models are likely to emphasize more on general test process but
more » ... r details for test automation process, and also lack empirical evidence from the industry to validate the statements that indicate maturity levels. To address the above issues, this study aims to examine what should be considered and how to assess the maturity level of test automation.
doi:10.1109/icst.2018.00052 dblp:conf/icst/Wang18 fatcat:th2oppv7rve7rhm4lluc3yuyei