The Effect of Industry Support on Participants' Perceptions of Bias in Continuing Medical Education

Steven Kawczak, William Carey, Rocio Lopez, Donna Jackman
2010 Academic Medicine  
Purpose To obtain prospective evidence of whether industry support of continuing medical education (CME) affects perceptions of commercial bias in CME activities. Method The authors analyzed information from the CME activity database (346 CME activities of numerous types; 95,429 participants in 2007) of a large, multispecialty academic medical center to determine whether a relationship existed among the degree of perceived bias, the type of CME activity, and the presence or absence of commercial support.
doi:10.1097/acm.0b013e3181c42f80 pmid:20042829 fatcat:qcv5rgdc5bdkbezycrjrbmcpz4