Non-Surgical Approach of a Pneumoperitoneum of Major Proportions Following a Gastric Bypass

Mazzurana M
2017 Gastroenterology & Hepatology Open Access  
Severe obesity is a chronic disease that increases the risk of death from cardiovascular, oncologic and metabolic co-related diseases. Bariatric surgery is the most effective treatment since it leads to sustained weight loss in 90% of cases and control or reversal of associated comorbidities, reducing risks and returning life expectancy to the patient. Anastomosis dehiscence of the stapling line is the most common early complication. It has an incidence of 0 to 5.6% in large series. It has an
more » ... sociated mortality of 37.5-50%, representing the second cause of death in the early postoperative period.
doi:10.15406/ghoa.2017.07.00244 fatcat:o54a6j5ttzb7ldi2ektzp2wpim