Current Situation of the Scientific Research Quality of Primary and Secondary School Teachers in Henan Province and Its Countermeasures under the Background of Knowledge Transformation

Xiang Ma
2017 Proceedings of the 2016 3rd International Conference on Education, Language, Art and Inter-cultural Communication (ICELAIC 2016)   unpublished
At the turn of this century, the new basic education reform has begun in our country, of which the core is curriculum reform. The new curriculum reform has great changes in teaching ideas, teaching contents and teaching methods. Firstly, the value orientation of the basic education curriculum has significant change. All contents and measures of the reform are student-oriented, paying more attention to the independent development of students. The value orientation of the Outline and the
more » ... ation is "generic humanistic". In the new curriculum reform, the teachers no longer teach according to the plan designed by experts. The curriculum reform of elementary education requires the primary and secondary school teachers to not only "teach" but also "research", bringing challenges and development for the scientific research of the primary and secondary school teachers. Keywords-knowledge transformation; the primary and secondary school teachers; scientific research I. This paper is the phased research fruit of the educational curriculum reform research project of teachers for the Education Department of Henan province, project number: 2014-JSJYYB-145.
doi:10.2991/icelaic-16.2017.33 fatcat:ujuz3hbopzgipocnsdagndhycy