Digital document metadata in organizations: roles, analytical approaches, and future research directions

L.D. Murphy
Proceedings of the Thirty-First Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences  
Metadata characterize documents for discovery and use. In digital environments, conventional metadata are less likely to exist, and if they do, are unlikely to have been created by a trained cataloger. Within organizations, document metadata play roles beyond that of document discovery, for example, organizational memory, visibility, and network management. An author-created metadata structure, the Dublin Core, maps incompletely to identified organizational metadata needs, particularly
more » ... r". Analytical approaches to metadata identify factors such as terseness vs. richness and logical and physical separability vs. integration from the object described. In organizations, document discovery is often the start of a process of use and re-use of both formal and informal document types. Additional research is need to establish elements that would be important in organizations, the context and roles of metadata, and to explore approaches to metadata creation and use.
doi:10.1109/hicss.1998.651709 dblp:conf/hicss/Murphy98 fatcat:h4scvoxfnvddjannfwapvxdsjm