Local fluid dynamical entropy from gravity

Sayantani Bhattacharyya, Veronika E Hubeny, R Loganayagam, Gautam Mandal, Shiraz Minwalla, Takeshi Morita, Mukund Rangamani, Harvey S Reall
2008 Journal of High Energy Physics  
Spacetime geometries dual to arbitrary fluid flows in strongly coupled N=4 super Yang Mills theory have recently been constructed perturbatively in the long wavelength limit. We demonstrate that these geometries all have regular event horizons, and determine the location of the horizon order by order in a boundary derivative expansion. Intriguingly, the derivative expansion allows us to determine the location of the event horizon in the bulk as a local function of the fluid dynamical variables.
more » ... We define a natural map from the boundary to the horizon using ingoing null geodesics. The area-form on spatial sections of the horizon can then be pulled back to the boundary to define a local entropy current for the dual field theory in the hydrodynamic limit. The area theorem of general relativity guarantees the positivity of the divergence of the entropy current thus constructed.
doi:10.1088/1126-6708/2008/06/055 fatcat:esgstyj6njhfrly4onuq63pbui