Social Harmony and The Role of Individual

Nagula Bhaskar -
2022 International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research  
The inner goal of every individual is to live happily along with the other members of group in the society. He is going on exploring the possibilities, but not achieving always. At times the conscious mind is planning, but subconscious mind is rejecting. As such the unconscious field of the mind is out of discussion even by many psychologists and philosophers. All Rishi Sri Shankaracharya, Ramanujacharya and Madhvacharya have understood depth of the mind and beyond and proposed theories
more » ... , vishistadvaitam and dvaitam respectively. The theories are proved to bring brotherliness and harmony in the society. With the onset of industrial revolutions, the mankind is after individual happiness only and slowly forgetting brotherliness. The scenario led to pure competition and advantages only. Forgetting of brotherliness lead to many disputes, wars, terrorism, etc. As such, a new stepping theory, namely, Shashtyam is proposed. The psychological condition is interconnected to energy field in which an individual is enabled. The basic energy field is in the shape of the living system and named as annamayakosha in the scriptures. It has got many energy centers. Coordination among certain centers is understood to cause health to the individual and satisfy the WHO constitution. Based on such an environment, a new psychological tool, namely, Dharmapod is introduced. To assure a success, it is compared with coordination among Pandavas of History Mahabharath.
doi:10.36948/ijfmr.2022.v04i05.932 fatcat:yy3aaam5erc4nhjhexkzmy4k4m