Azospirillum lipoferum FSにおけるインドール-3-酢酸生合成酵素遺伝子の発現制御に関与するタンパク質の存在について
Evidence for the presence of proteins involved in the gene expression of indole-3-pyruvate decarboxylase, a key enzyme in indole-3-acetic acid biosynthesis in Azospirillum lipoferum FS

Ken Yagi, Tetsuya Chujo, Hideaki Nojiri, Toshio Omori, Makoto Nishiyama, Hisakazu Yamane
2000 The Janapese Society for Chemical Regulation of Plants, Abstract  
doi:10.18978/jscrpanb.35.0_107 fatcat:32lrk62ks5b73jnywci6tvl5xe