Digital Privacy and Protection as it affects Youth Patrons in County Public Library Systems in NC

Zoe Bergmire-Sweat
Libraries frequently have free WIFI, public computers, printing, and now are relying on digital libraries to increase collection size and accessibility. They make available digital resources to decrease the digital divide. Adding resources to the management systems that coordinate information across multiple branches in a library, as well as housing identifying information required for library cards, and suddenly it becomes apparent how important digital security and privacy is on behalf of
more » ... ary systems. Since policies happen at the system level, it's difficult for individual librarians to advocate for the recommended settings to be implemented if the administration is not fully supportive of the immediacy of such actions. Utilizing ALA guidelines, CIPA, COPPA, and NC Laws, this thesis project serves as a content analysis of 25 NC County Library systems. Through the content analysis, I make apparent basic actionable procedures libraries could implement to increase transparency alongside enhancing protection procedures.
doi:10.17615/a5xh-wm12 fatcat:tdlclfdpd5cwdhvqopi3a7b6bq