Nur fadillah
2015 Eksis: Jurnal Riset Ekonomi dan Bisnis  
Entrepreneurship spirit of Prophet Muhammad, does not just happen, but the result of a long process and started from his childhood (Antonio 2008). This opinions is agreed by most teachers leadership that said what occurred in the first years of our lives, will make a meaningful difference in the next life period Majority, Indonesian is Muslim. Hence, it becomes a task to be able to give birth to the entrepreneur (entrepreneur) Muslim reliable. Therefore, throughout the history of Islam began,
more » ... e Muslim entrepreneur born and incised gold ink in the history of the world. Mohammed, before being known as prophet, has been recorded as an entrepreneur. Personal success is personal to identify, optimize potency, identity continuously with full confidence and strong self confidence. Then the person utilizing the potential so beneficial for families, neighbors and other community members, and the environment. The value of the benefit is called a success.A successful businessman, according to Islam, is who is running the commands of Allah in all its aspects, including in its business, away from enforcing the lawful and the unlawful. Then the whole business is obtained solely to enforce his servitude to Allah SWT. Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Business Ethics Islam, Small Business Abstrak Jiwa kewirausahaan (enterpreneurship) dalam diri Nabi Muhammad SAW, tidak terjadi begitu saja, tetapi hasil dari suatu proses panjang dan dimulai sejak beliau kecil. Pendapat ini diakui oleh kebanyakan guru leadership yang sepakat bahwa apa yang terjadi pada tahun-tahun pertama kehidupan manusia, akan membuat perbedaan yang berarti dalam periode kehidupan berikutnya.Mayoritas bangsa Indonesia adalah muslim. Dengan demikian merupakan tugas bersama untuk mampu melahirkan para entrepreneur (pengusaha) muslim yang handal. Sebab, sepanjang sejarah Islam dimulai, para entrepreneur muslim lahir dan menorehkan tinta emasnya dalam sejarah dunia. Rasulullah SAW sebelum menjadi rasul telah tercatat sebagai entrepreneur. Pribadi yang [...]
doi:10.26533/eksis.v10i1.56 doaj:95f155daf0984a6690f390911624971e fatcat:5tucsbmluzd6rdtmjmunj4d6cq