NET: an inter-computer file transfer command [report]

R.D. Burris
1978 unpublished
NOTICE This document contains information of a preliminary nature. It is subject to revisicr. or correction and therefore does not represent a final report. BLANK PAGE LX> <\ mi IV 5. CORCiOSIOi 26 MPFEWDIX A. let Coaaand Help Pile 27 APPENDIX B. Iapleaenta+ion of the WET CovaanA * . . . 33 V ACKHOilCDGRPHTS This work was done to support personnel and operations of the Fusion Energy Division and vas funded by then. Discussions with Charles Renper and Peid Gryder contributed heavily to the
more » ... design. I an pleased to acknowledge the efforts of Janice Raghes in the preparation of this tana script. WET -AM IHTER-COHPOTEF FILE TPARSFE* COHHMID ABSTRACT The IET command was defined and supported in order to facilitate file transfer between coapaters. Aaong the goals of the implementation were greatest possible ease of use, maximum power (i.e., support of a -diversity of equipment and operations), and protection of the operating system.
doi:10.2172/6732339 fatcat:z2q37jqcp5ew3b33ohporb3mca